About the region
Kallstadt is a neat little historic village situated in the middle of the famous german `Weinstraße`(= wine street). With its warm climate and endless vineyards Kallstadt envites you to walk in the palatinate forest close to the village or bike along the `Weinstraße`as a daytrip.
And in the evening you‘ll always find „something yummi“ to eat and a „special drop“ of wine in one oft those many old wineries and cosy restaurants withing walking distance of the hotel.
There are many destinations for day trips such as:
The amusement park Holiday Park` in Haßloch
Medieval castles along the forest
Famous historic cities in car-distance such as Speyer, Worms and Heidelberg
The „long distance hiking trail „Pfälzer Weinsteig“
And of course wine festivals in all villages along the wine street „all summer long“.
The famous „Dürkheimer Wurstmarkt“ ist he biggest wine festival of the world („the Oktoberfest with wine instead of beer“) takes place in the middle of september and during the wine harvesting season many wineries offer local food such as „onion cake“ and „new wine“. Enjoy!
Cleo's Hotel Kallstadt
Weinstraße 65
67169 Kallstadt
Tel.: 06322/941780
Fax.: 06322/9417829